Episode 31 – Interview with Tony Avila

In episode 31, Carter interviews Tony Avila of Builder Advisor Group in relation to the current state of mergers and acquisitions in the development and home building industry. www.builderadvisorgroup.com

In Episode 31 you’ll learn:

  1. What is the current state of the development and home builder mergers and acquisition market?
  2. If the increase in mortgage rates and lack of acquisition and development financing impact has made private home builders more willing to consider a sale to a larger builder?
  3. What are the most important metrics that buyers consider when considering the acquisition of a builder?
  4. Tony’s most significant learning experiences gleamed over his vast career in the mergers and acquisition industry.

Show Notes:

Tony Avila Contact Information

O: 415 – 561-0600

M: 415 – 720-8503

E: tony@builderadvisorgroup.com

W: www.builderadvisorgroup.com

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