Episode 32 – Accessing Capital for Residential Development

In episode 32, Carter talks with Mike Zarola, Managing Director of Land Advisors Capital, and Chris Shiota, CEO and President of Lakebridge Capital,  two of the industry’s leading experts related to the provision of debt and equity for residential for sale development projects.

In this podcast you’ll learn:

  • The impact of rising interest rates and construction costs on the capital markets.
  • What key metrics and criteria the equity and debt markets favor in relation to placing capital.
  • How the existence of special districts (CFD, CDD, MUD, PID, etc.) impacts the credit decision.
  • What steps debt and equity providers are taking to ensure the security of their investments.

Mike Zarola: MZarola@landadvisorscapital.com   o|512.675.7500 d|512.827.3422 c|512.922.8617

Chris Shiota: cshiota@lakebridgecap.com   d|949.922.8030

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