Episode 65 – Interview with Dan Sullivan on Thinking About Your Thinking and 10X Growth

In Episode 65, Carter talks with Dan Sullivan the founder of the entrepreneurial coaching program Strategic Coach. Carter has been involved in the Strategic Coach program for over 10 years and the program has transformed his businesses and his entrepreneurial freedoms.

In this series of podcasts, Dan shares in insights on:

1. The importance of Thinking About Your Thinking.
2. How to leverage your Dangers, Opportunities and Strengths (DOS)
3. Unique Ability
4. The Entrepreneurial Freedoms
5. Why 10X growth is easier than 2x growth
6. The changing world environment and why the US is uniquely positioned to benefit from this change.

Show Notes:

Show Notes
Strategic Coach – www.strategiccoach.com
Books by Dan Sullivan

Plus: Whenever you’re ready, here are 4 ways Launch Development Financing Advisors™ (Launch) can help you with your project

  1. Prepare an Initial District Bond Sizing for Your Project – If you have a project in excess of 250 acres in AZ, CA, CO, FL, ID, NC, NM, SC, TX or UT, contact Carter Froelich carter@launch-dfa.com and have Launch prepare an initial bond analysis for your project. Get your Complimentary Bond Sizing Analysis at Complimentary Bond Sizing Analysis
  2. Add Favorable Financing Language to Annexation and/or Development Agreements – Create certainty and flexibility related to your project’s infrastructure financing by having Launch™ professionals prepare handcrafted favorable financing language for inclusion in your Annexation and/or Development Agreement.
  3. Perform The RED Analysis™ on your Project – We have developed a unique process at Launch™ called The RED Analysis™ in which we perform a diagnostic review of your project to determine possible ways to Reduce, Eliminate and Defer infrastructure construction costs in order to enhance project returns.
  4. Track Your Reimbursable Costs Utilizing The Launch Reimbursement System™ (“LRS™”) – Never lose track of your district eligible reimbursable costs and have Launch manage your district’s costs reimbursement tracking, preparation of electronic reimbursement submittal packages and processing of your reimbursement requests with the district, jurisdiction and/or agency.

Complimentary Offers for Land to Lots™ Listeners

Complimentary Land to Lots Book

Complimentary Bond Sizing Analysis

Get all the shownotes here
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Connect with Carter Froelich
Connect With Launch Development Finance Advisors

Carter Froelich – 480-828-9555 / carter@launch-dfa.com

Carter Froelich hosts the Land to Lots™ podcast powered by Launch Development Finance Advisors. Carter shares how he and his team help their clients finance infrastructure, reduce costs, and mitigate risks all with the goal of enhancing project profitability.