Entries by info@iadcr.com

The Project Diagnostic™ (Part 1 of 3)

The Project Diagnostic™ is a systematic review that developers should consider undertaking on a regular basis to ensure that they are doing everything possible to: accelerate cash into the project’s proforma, create certainty and flexibility in their entitlement structures and to reduce, eliminate and defer costs. In part one of this three part series you […]

Launching MPCs with The Launch Sequence™ (Part 1 – Implementation)

In this episode, Carter Froelich discusses how you can “create once and deliver everywhere” with The Launch Sequence™. In this first of a two part series, Carter discusses the Planning Phase of The Launch Sequence™ in which the developer investigates various financing strategies to allow them to best achieve their business plan. In this episode […]

Greg Vogel Discusses the Land Market in Changing Times

In this episode, Carter Froelich interviews Greg Vogel, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Land Advisors Organization (LAO) on issues facing the land market in uncertain and changing times. In this episode you’ll learn: The typical real estate cycle. What’s different during this market cycle than others in the past. How land transactions can […]

Insights into Sustainable Master Planned Community Development

In this episode, Carter talks with Tom Hoban, the President, and Chief Investment Officer of Kitson & Partners about their top selling 18,000-acre Babcock Ranch master planned community located northeast of Fort Meyers, Florida. Tom also discusses how Babcock Ranch, while located near Fort Meyers, survived hurricane Ian with little to no damage. This interview […]

Common Jurisdictional DIF Mistakes

In this episode you will learn: The 5 most common errors made in development impact fee studies; What impact fees cannot be used for. Concepts to implement today if facing new development impact fees. I hope that you enjoy the podcast and remember to Dig Deep and Build Strong!Here are the more in-depth notes to […]

Supercharging Texas Project Returns: The PID/TIRZ Part 2

In this two-part series, Carter and Tim Green of Coats Rose, explore the financing power of adding a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) to a public improvement district (PID) and what this combination can do to enhance a project’s overall capital structure and returns. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll discover in this two-part episode: […]

Supercharging Texas Project Returns: The PID/TIRZ Part 1

In this two-part series, Carter and Tim Green of Coats Rose, explore the financing power of adding a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) to a public improvement district (PID) and what this combination can do to enhance a project’s overall capital structure and returns. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll discover in this two-part episode: […]

Qualifying Grading Costs as an Eligible District Cost

In this episode, Scott Emery, Principal of Qtative, provides his insight and recommendations on how to ensure that a portion of your project’s grading costs will qualify for funding through a special district financing. This topic is one we’re constantly asked about, so I thought its time to talk to the expert. Complimentary Bond Sizing […]

What Makes a Top-Selling MPC? Part 2

This is part two of our two-part series with Pam Giss (Launch) and Karl Pischke (RCLCO) discussing the elements and financing structures that make for a top-selling master-planned community. The series is based upon RCLCOs and Launch’s Top 50 Selling Master Planned Communities (Infrastructure Financing Mechanisms) Report. If you missed Part 1 please go back […]