Episode 24 Carter Interviews Tripp Davenport of FMS Bonds On Texas PID Opportunities

Episode 24 – Carter Interviews Tripp Davenport of FMS Bonds On Texas PID Opportunities

In this episode, Carter interviews Tripp Davenport, Director of FMS Bonds on the use of Public Improvement Districts (“PIDS”) to finance public improvements in the state of Texas.

This episode will provide information on:

  • Why the PID should be considered a public private partnership;
  • Why PID proceeds should be compared to cost of equity;
  • What “surprise” should Texas developers be ready for when using a PID;
  • Howa Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (“TIRZ”) can combine with a PID to increase the bonding capacity of a PID;
  • What will City’s generally consider as a reasonable ad valorem property contribution to a PID through a TIRZ.

Show Notes:

Tripp Davenport Link – https://investmentbanking.fmsbonds.com/our-team/r-r-tripp-davenport-iii/


Launch / PID TIRZ Handout

Complimentary Bond Sizing Analysis:  https://www.launch-mpc.com/financing