Episode 23 The Project Diagnostic™ (Part 3 of 3)

In Episode 23,

Carter Froelich continues his discussion of The Project Diagnostic™ focusing on the use of development impact fee service areas and, creating reimbursement mechanisms to make other benefiting landowners pay for their share of infrastructure costs  If you haven’t listened to Episode 21 and Episode 22, we encourage you to review these episodes before moving to Episode 23.

In part three of this three part series you will learn about:

  • Setting up a separate service area for you project to collect Development Impact Fees specifically for your project.
  • Reimbursement Mechanisms to force other benefiting landowners pay for their share of public improvements.
  • Working with other developers to fund costs.


The Project Diagnostic™ Podcast Outline

The Project Diagnostic™ – A numeric PowerPoint outline of The Project Diagnostic™ concepts

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